Dumpster diving for diatom plastid 16S rRNA genes
Bonfantine* KL, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Matthews TG, Gan HM. In Press. Peer-J.
mixchar: An R package for the deconvolution of thermal decay curves
Windecker SM, Vesk PA, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Golding N. In Press. Journal of Open Research Software.
Factors determining seagrass Blue Carbon across bioregions and geomorphologies
Mazarrasa I, Lavery P, Duarte CM, Lafratta A, Lovelock CE, Macreadie PI, Samper-Villarreal J, Salinas C, Sanders C, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Young M, Steven A, Serrano O. 2021. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. DOI: 10.1029/2021GB006935.
The TeaComposition Initiative: Unleashing the power of international collaboration to understand litter decomposition
Djukic I, Kepfer-Rojas S, Kappel Schmidt I, Steenberg Larsen K, Beier C, Berg B, Verheyen K, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Macreadie PI, Bierbaumer M, Patoine G, Eisenhauer N, Guerra CA, Maestre FT, Hagedorn F, Oggioni A, Bergami C, Magagna B, Kwon T, Shibata H & TeaComposition Initiative. Soil Organisms 93: 73-78.
Ecosystem type drives tea litter decomposition and associated prokaryotic microbiome communities in freshwater and coastal wetlands at a continental scale
Trevathan-Tackett SM, Kepfer-Rojas S, Engelen AH, York PH, Ola A, Li J, Kelleway JJ, Jinks KI, Jackson EL, Adame MF, Pendall E, Lovelock CE, Connolly RM, Watson A, Visby I, Trethowan A, Taylor B, Roberts TNB, Petch J, Farrington L, Djukic I, Macreadie PI. 2021. Science of the Total Environment 782: 146819.
Investing in Blue Natural Capital to secure a future for the Red Sea ecosystems
Cziesielski MJ, Duarte CM, Aalismail N, Al-Hafedh Y, Anton A, Baalkhuyur F, Baker AC, Balke T, Baums IB, Berumen M, Chalastani VI, Cornwell B, Daffonchio D, Diele K, Farooq E, Gattuso J-P, He S, Lovelock CE, Mcleod E, Macreadie PI, Marba N, Martin C, Muniz-Barreto M, Kadinijappali KP, Prihartato P, Rabaoui L, Saderne V, Schmidt-Roach […]
Local vegetation and hydroperiod influence spatial and temporal patterns of carbon and microbe response to wetland rehabilitation
Bonetti G, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Carnell PE, Treby S, Macreadie PI. 2021. Applied Soil Ecology 163: 103917.
The potential of bacteriophages to influence the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions in wetlands
Bonetti G, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Carnell PE, Macreadie PI. 2021. Water Research 193: 116875.
Effects of a nutrient enrichment pulse on blue carbon ecosystems
Palacios MM, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Malerba ME, Macreadie PI. 2021. Marine Pollution Bulletin 165: 112024.
First genome of Labyrinthula sp., an opportunistic seagrass pathogen, reveals novel insight into marine protist phylogeny, ecology and CAZyme cell-wall degradation
Tan MH, Loke S, Croft LJ, Gleason FH, Lange L, Pilgaard B, Trevathan-Tackett SM. 2021. Microbial Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-020-01647-x.