Applying techniques from biogeochemistry and microbiology, my research aims to improve our fundamental understanding of carbon cycling and microbial ecology in marine, coastal and aquatic ecosystems in the context of global climate change and ecosystem health.

Research Themes

What factors influence the breakdown of plant litter and soil carbon, including the microorganisms responsible for consuming that carbon?


Does the occurrence of SWD depend on the pathogenicity and virulence of Labyrinthula, seagrass health and susceptibility, or a combination of both?


What is the connection between coastal plant health and resilience in a changing environment and the microorganism that live on and within their hosts? 



Dr Trevathan-Tackett

As an ARC DECRA Fellow, I am using tea bags…pour a cuppa!…to investigate how plant breakdown in wetlands affect the carbon cycle globally. Check out TeaComposition H2O.

Beyond decomposition, I have a keen interest in how happenings in the ‘micro’ world affect ecosystem and global processes…

Supervision & Opportunities

If you are interesting in joining me in the lab or field, have a look at the current opportunities.


Photos & Social

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