
As an ARC DECRA Fellow, I am using tea bags…pour a cuppa!…to investigate how plant breakdown in wetlands affect the carbon cycle globally. Check out TeaComposition H2O.

Beyond decomposition, I have a keen interest in how happenings in the ‘micro’ world affect ecosystem and global processes.

Background and Research

As a Nancy Foster Scholar (NOAA, USA) at the University of North Florida, I investigated the impact of salinity stress on seagrass and the impact that stress has on susceptibility to Labyrinthula infection and seagrass wasting disease.

My PhD research was on blue carbon biogeochemistry in seagrass ecosystems. At the University of Technology Sydney, I developed a fascination for coastal microbial ecology

In Deakin University’s Blue Carbon Lab, I’ve held several postdocs, including the Alfred Deakin and Faculty of Science Industry Fellowships. During this time I have developed all these aspects of my research…I now combine marine disease research and biosecurity with the microbial ecology and chemistry of coastal plants and soils.

I love all fur babies, especially rescues, even if I am allergic to them.

Dexter, Boy Genius, got me through my Master’s thesis. Wolfgang and Ludwig (Luda) were clever puppy spirits in rattie form. Our (purrdy) Birdie, is a sweet and sassy country girl.

My hobbies include a good snorkel, book, hike, game of cards and SVU marathon. 


Supervision & Opportunities

There are several opportunities to develop your research career through honours and PhD projects. See if you are interesting in these research questions…